Letter From The Editor - Issue 69 - June 2019

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Issue 46
The Gaunt of Dennis Mallory
by Scott M. Roberts
by Nathaniel Lee
The Machine in My Mind
by James Maxey
InterGalactic Medicine Show Interviews
At the Picture Show: Extended Cut
Imitation of self
by Chris Bellamy
Vintage Fiction
The Angelus Guns
by Max Gladstone

Letter From The Editor - Issue 46 - July 2015

Welcome to Issue 46 of IGMS, a self-contained study in character's personal journeys, exploring who they are and where they fit into their worlds.

This issue's cover story is "Evermore I Told the Raven," a unique Poe tribute by Ken Scholes. "Evermore" is also presented as an audio-story at http://journeyintopodcast.blogspot.com/:

I oriented myself around the shelves of the room until I found the classics. I pulled down a leather-bound edition of Poe's collected works and found his favorite poem quickly. The page was marked with a folded sheath of yellow papers.

"Last Night at the Café Renaissance" by Dwayne Minton:

Lucic's jaw twitched. He hated the name half-men, but I found it fitting, considering how people like me were treated.

"The Monastery of the Parallels" by Holly Heisey:

He drained his glass of wine and prayed to all of the gods that the Monastery hadn't gotten hold of his theories and decided to meddle.

James Maxey's "The Machine in My Head":

I squeeze the steering wheel hard, fighting back the flood of "what ifs." There are a thousand moments that leave me guessing what might have been.

"The Gaunt of Dennis Mallory," written by IGMS assistant editor Scott Roberts:

Pretty as she was -- the demon Asmodeus don't consort with no skanks -- behind her eyes was an ugliness I didn't need my second sight to see.

This issue's bonus story is "Liveboy," by Nathaniel Lee:

Today, though, I could tell something was different. There was an electric energy to my husband, almost like it was alive.

Plus, the inestimable Dr. Lawrence M. Schoen's first entry as IGMS's Reprint Editor and Interviewer-in-Chief is his conversation with novelist Max Gladstone, along with Max's short story, "The Angelus Guns."

And be sure not to miss "At The Picture Show: Extended Cut," where our movie critic Chris Bellamy discusses trends, traditions, and travesties in Hollywood and the film industry.

Edmund R. Schubert
Editor, Orson Scott Card's InterGalactic Medicine Show

P.S. As usual, we've collected essays from the authors in this issue and will post them here on IGMS along with our other free columns. Feel free to drop by and catch The Story Behind The Stories, where the authors talk about the creation of their tales.

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