The Story Behind the Stories IGMS Authors Share How Their Stories Came to Be
October 2018
Occultation of the Bright Aspects by Stephen Case
I teach astronomy to undergraduates at a university where I am also the planetarium director. This
means that sometimes I feel I should be writing a lot more science fiction. I do write some in this
genre, but what tends to get published more often is my fantasy, like this piece. "Occultation of
the Bright Aspects," however, might be the first fantasy piece I've published based on an actual
astronomical occurrence, and it was observing this event late one night at the campus observatory
that inspired the story.
In March 2017 I witnessed my first lunar occultation of a star. As it travels in its monthly orbit,
the Moon occasionally moves in front of, or occults, planets or certain bright stars. One of these is
Aldebaran, the reddish eye of Taurus the Bull. On the night of the occultation I watched the
Moon slide closer and closer to Aldebaran. This particular occultation was especially impressive
as the Moon was in its early crescent phase, and it was the dark side of the Moon that reached the
star first. Aldebaran suddenly winked out behind it, blinking out as though someone had flipped a
switch. (The way stars disappear behind the Moon instantly during an occultation was an early
argument that they were distant enough to be point-like objects with no apparent extension in our
night sky and that the Moon had no atmosphere.)
The bulk of the Moon hid the star for about forty minutes before it reappeared on the far side. If
we lived under a sky with more bright stars clustered along the Moon's path, we would have
more frequent and dramatic occultations. (Incidentally, a solar eclipse is an occultation as well,
when the Moon moves in front of the Sun.) As in my story's universe, the Moon's path in the sky
is surprisingly complex and varies from month to month, which means it does not occult the same
stars each revolution. In our own universe extensive calculations were needed to understand and
predict the nuances of the Moon's motion. (This was needed for a different kind of magic--being
able to navigate at sea.)
As I drove home from the observatory that night, the image of Aldabaran disappearing behind the
dark side of the Moon stuck with me. I thought about the fact (perhaps insignificant in our reality)
that during those forty minutes our planet had been without the light of that particular star. The
basic premise of "Occultation of the Bright Aspects" fell into my head on that drive home. From
that point on, it was just a matter of getting the narrator through the proper steps and figuring out
what she would discover when she reached her objective. (The king's ultimate objective surprised
me almost as much as it surprised the narrator.) I wanted to capture in the story some of the
wonder of an actual lunar occultation--a sort of quiet miracle in the sky. Though nothing as
dramatic happens on our Earth when the Moon blocks a star, it kind of feels like something
Stephen King (among others) has said that if you don't have time to read then don't bother
writing. I would take this further: I would say that if you don't have time to witness interesting
things, visit interesting places, or meet interesting people, then your writing will be the weaker for
it. Or rather, the richness of your writing will reflect the richness of your experience. Occasionally,
astronomical observations can provide some of this richness, and I hope this story is an example
of that.
There was one other aspect of this story that fell into my head unbidden, that I didn't have to
wrestle onto the page as I usually do most aspects of my story: the name of the queen. Sometimes
when I'm biking to work names or phrases will just pop into my mind. With the name of the
queen--Ta-nahrahsha'ba--the entire cadence bubbled up while I was waiting for the light to turn
on Court Street near St. Rose in downtown Kankakee. I don't know if I had heard something
similar or what, but I repeated it over and over again until I got to my office and could write it
down. I hope I spelled it correctly, but I'm confident I'm pronouncing it right.
Read more of The Story Behind the Stories