September 2016
Spelunking the Noosphere
Back when I was an
academic, I had a grant from a local consortium funded by the
National Science Foundation to produce an evolution podcast and blog
called VSI: Variation Selection Inheritance. In that blog
I wrote somewhat regularly about cultural evolution, which pretty
much everyone agrees is an attractive metaphor for the way culture
works. Ideas come in and out of fashion, ideas mutate over time, and
ideas seem to compete with one another for dominance in what Aaron
Lynch and Douglas Hofstadter called the ideosphere,
an ecosystem of ideas, after Jesuit priest Teilhard de Chardin’s
The metaphor is especially apt for languages, where linguists have
documented shifts in word
frequencies and sound
patterns that are analogous to the shifts in gene
frequencies in biological populations. In 1976, evolutionary
biologist Richard Dawkins hypothesized
a unit of information that he called a meme, a unit of
information that could copy itself. He called them replicators to
emphasize their agency, despite knowing perfectly well that genes do
not in fact copy themselves in any literal way. They rely on a
cellular environment, with a bunch of enzymes and the ATP to power
them. Replication is a distributed process, not a localized event
caused by a single agent.
Agency was important to
his conception of the meme, because he was including it in a book
called The Selfish Gene, where he pushed the idea that we
silly organisms are not in control of our behavior as we imagine,
that we are slaves to our genes, who want only to be copied. I don't
know if Dawkins had read any science fiction (he didn't cite any),
but this compulsive
aspect of individual contagious ideas, what he called “viruses
of the mind,” was exactly what SF had focused on. There was
(and still is) little fiction based around de Chardin's larger and
richer idea of the noosphere. Paradigms,
based on the work of Thomas
Kuhn, have been more popular in SF, but usually one
battle at a time, not zoomed out to the ecosystem level of the
noosphere. An exception is the White Wolf role-playing game Mage,
where entire conceptual worlds war ceaselessly with one another for
control of humanity's collective unconscious.
It took almost twenty
years for the idea of contagious particles of information to catch
on, but the academy of the 1990s was afire with a new science called
There were discussion boards and conferences and a journal
and everything. They got really hung up on what memes were,
physically. Some books just said “information,”
and left it at that, which is roughly where biology was with genes
when Darwin and Mendel called them “traits,” with no idea
what they were made of chemically. Others,
taking a cue from the discovery of DNA structure in the 1950s, which
kick-started the biotech revolution, decided that the only way to
make progress was to define what a meme was. The community spent
about ten years trying and then kind of gave up. Memes were no longer
fashionable, except maybe in the worlds of marketing
and computer science (where viruses and genetic algorithms are still
hot topics). Now the word meme mostly means pictures with funny
captions that circulate on the Internet.
In contrast, the
biological community spent almost
a hundred years arguing about whether genes exist as
particles at all, and if they did, whether they were made of nucleic
acids or proteins. During that time, they made quite a lot of
progress in learning how genes act, while still doubting whether they
were real or just a convenient metaphor. Similar debates played out
over other forms of biological inheritance, though they took less
time. Prusiner won the prion
argument after about 20 years. The various forms of DNA tagging that
we call epigenetics
each took at least a decade.
Our horizons keep
expanding in other ways, too. It's now becoming clear that selection
can happen at multiple
levels of biological organization simultaneously—genes,
organelles like mitochondria, cells, bodies (in the case of organisms
that clone themselves), and even in super-organism groups like ant
colonies. There is even evidence that evolution happens outside
biology, in chemical systems that don't involve replication, but the
looser category of repetitive creation, where different nonliving
catalysts compete in terms of reaction rates.
My point here is that,
given how the concept of information transfer has evolved through the
history of biology, memetics deserves another chance. It's true that
we don't know exactly how information is encoded in the brain (there
are even people who say that
it’s not there). We may not know for a long
time. We can still make progress. And SF can help, by exploring
memetics in story form. As mentioned above, there are lots of
stories about compulsive single ideas, but there are not so many
about the larger dynamics of competition and cooperation in a
population of ideas. There's no memetic equivalent of the
Hardy-Weinberg equation for genetic turnover (except in linguistics).
There's no Endangered Species Act for the preservation of languages,
or any other aspect of culture (though I do remember a story that
mentioned “cultural
Here's an especially
concrete application that may spark interest in writers and artists.
Commons licensing and other schemes like open-access
science publishing are trying to open up intellectual property law in
ways that are useful to individuals and society in general. What
happens to intellectual property as a concept if we recognize,
on a societal level, that creativity is a distributed process of
recombining memes, as chronicled in the classic BBC series
or the more recent Everything
Is a Remix? That localizing creativity to an
individual mind is satisfying to our primate social circuitry, and
simple for accounting purposes, but fundamentally inaccurate, not to
mention unfair? Does the IP concept mutate, or collapse, or explode
into chaos and war? What concept do we replace it with?
Here's an extension of
that idea, potentially even more disruptive. Like Dawkins, Buddhists
have been saying for millennia now that the individual self is a
convenient illusion,
that our minds are collections of “thoughts without a thinker,”
thoughts that think themselves. Neuroscience is slowly coming to the
conclusion. What will that paradigm shift look like, out in
the world? Western culture since the Rennaissance has been built of
and by individuals. How will the future conceive of itself, and how
will it look back on us?
Randall Hayes is a
convenient label for the meme pool who runs Agnosia
Media, LLC and recruits speakers for Greensboro
Science Cafe. In between columns, he
blogs at the crypto-currency-driven scrum known as Steemit.com under
the handle plotbot2015.
It still exists at the Internet Archive, though I haven't added anything to it in a couple of years.
This is not historical, but it’s cool.
This is the book, but there’s a free sketch of the book below.
Click “PMC full text” in the upper right-hand corner if your old eyes are bad like mine.
Read more by Randall Hayes